Molasses-Glazed Ham Steak



Cooking time

45 min

It is a well known fact that ham is a rich source of iron and protein. The quality of the ham you consume decides the amount of the nutritious elements. Generally speaking, ham also contains reasonable of amount of vitamins and minerals. However, you need to be aware of the fat contents available. The taste can be described as captivating and it is hard to find a person who does not like ham dishes. In fact; some people are really crazy about these types of dishes. If you want to learn a simple, sweet and stunningly delicious ham steak dish, you can definitely rely on this molasses-glazed ham steak recipe. You can make it with tremendous ease and spending around 15 minutes in the kitchen is enough for both preparation and cooking.
If you are prepared to use the exact amount of ingredients recommended in this molasses-glazed ham steak recipe, you can make 4 servings. The cooking process can be completed within 13 minutes as well.
1) First of all, you have to take a small bowl.
2) You need to add molasses, brown sugar, Dijon mustard and apple cider vinegar have to be added to the bowl.
3) These ingredients must be mixed properly.
4) Then, the ham must be grilled and it should be turned once.
5) The molasses sauce should be applied on the ham in a frequent manner.
6) It has to be grilled for 6 to 8 minutes. (You need to make sure that it becomes light brown)

It is a well known fact that ham is a rich source of iron and protein. The quality of the ham you consume decides the amount of the nutritious elements. Generally speaking, ham also contains reasonabl...


  • Ham steak - 1 lb. (You need to use ham steak that is lean cooked)
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Dijon mustard - 2 teaspoons.
  • Brown sugar - 1 tablespoon. (It is always advisable to use firmly packed)
  • Molasses - 4 teaspoons.

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